Sound of Body: Josh Hooke
Venues 3056

Tempo Rubato presents ‘Sound is a Describing Word’. Three free concerts curated by three Melbourne-based classical musicians, exploring sound and soundness of Heart, of Mind and of Body.

Curated by pianist Josh Hooke*
*This concert originally featured pianist Modi Deng, who unfortunately had to withdraw due to personal circumstances. We hope to welcome her back for another performance soon.

We are grateful and delighted to welcome Josh Hooke, who will play a solo piano recital created in a similar spirit to, and along the same theme as, the recital Modi had prepared. Details will be available soon.

Originally from country Victoria, Josh recently completed a PhD in Music Performance at the University of Melbourne, under the guidance of Professors Ian Holtham and Paul Kildea. Previously, Joshua was invited to undertake periods of intensive private study in Vienna with Paul Badura-Skoda, and was among his last students. He also studies regularly in London with Imogen Cooper. Josh has performed regularly at Tempo since we opened and his performances are captivating, full of focus and incredibly moving.


Accessible by wheelchair, assistance is a available

A man playling piano
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